
conspiracy to rob中文是什么意思

  • 串谋行劫



  • 例句与用法
  • Five men charged with murder and conspiracy to rob
  • The trio , arrested for conspiracy to rob , is still being detained for enquiries
  • Police today ( july 28 ) charged three men jointly with one count of conspiracy to rob
  • The 34 - year - old man was additionally charged with conspiracy to rob . the duo will appear in the sha tin magistrates courts on january 13
  • The man , charged with one count of conspiracy to rob and one count of possession of imitation firearm , will appear in tsuen wan magistrates courts tomorrow ( february 22 )
  • The four men were subsequently charged with conspiracy to rob while the 24 - year - old man and the 27 - year - old man were additionally charged with possession of arms without licence
  • John fowler , a 57 - year - old car dealer from staplehurst , kent , was last night charged with conspiracy to rob the cash depot in tonbridge , as well as three counts of kidnapping the depot ' s manager , colin dixon , his wife , lynn , and their nine - yearold son , craig
  • They were all sentenced to four years and six months imprisonment after being convicted of the charge on conspiracy to rob while nine months imprisonment was imposed on the pair for possessing arms without licence , which will run concurrently with sentence to their first charge . the judge also invoked a suspended sentence of two months imprisonment against the 24 - year - old man for an illegal gambling charge
  • Four members of a robbery syndicate convicted of conspiracy to rob and possession of arms without licence were each sentenced to four years and six months imprisonment at the district court today ( june 1 ) . the court heard that crime officers of kowloon west region identified the syndicate following investigation into intelligence . the four men , aged between 24 and 32 , were put under close surveillance when they arrived outside a jewellery workshop at 83 - 97 nathan road in tsim sha tsui at about 6 . 30 pm on november 21 last year
  • 推荐英语阅读
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